Category: Discord
When you search about How to Italicize in Discord you will find there is no visible option in the discord app to make text or sentences in italicize form …
Communicate with your gaming squad through the discord screen share option if you didn’t use this amazing feature by using your Desktop screen then you might miss some adventure …
How to Delete Discord Account Deleting your Discord account is very simple and easy to do. There are several different reasons which create thought of deleting it seems you …
The credibility of using Discord is that anyone can make their light data server for gaming, chatting, or in some gaming communities and Delete it when they want. But …
Cross out or strikethrough is the same thing by which you can cut your text when you realize you poetry some wrong info so you cut it by a …
Discord becomes a more popular instant messaging and VoIP application in the past few years so people want to learn about its incredible features like How to Add Someone …
In Discord, You can assign different roles according to which fits on your group’s needs A “Role” basically dictates what a member is allowed or not to be allowed to …
Discord popularity became a huge competition for Skype and TeamSpeak ever since it was launched in the market. Skype and TeamSpeak are perhaps efficient communication applications, but their substandard …
Discord is a VoIP application that was built and released back in May of 2015 is intended to create communities ranging from gamers to learning and businesses. So make …
Discord is that software that helps gamers to connect and communicate with other players while playing online games. Playing online games nowadays has become quite fun and entertaining since …