Category: Tech
Netflix and Hulu are the two biggest names in the video-streaming industry. Netflix is better known for movies and originals, while Hulu is the preferable option to stay updated …
Were you the fan of the popular digital library bookzz and curious to know what happened to it? If yes, this post will answer all your queries. Here, I’ll …
Fortnite and Minecraft are the two biggest games in the world. The former is the most popular game currently while the latter is the most popular of all time. …
Netflix is an ocean of content with hundreds of hours of good shows and movies that you can watch without stopping. But, have you ever wondered how much time …
Netflix and chill may put a lot of stress on your pocket. To help your pocket, I’m providing here 5 Working Methods that can help you get a Netflix …
Who is following me on Facebook? This is a common question that Facebook users especially the ones whose followers keep on increasing randomly. It is interesting and sometimes necessary …
Facebook Messenger is one of the most used and preferred instant messaging app worldwide. It has millions of users that regularly use it to send and receive messages from …
Playing Idle Games is my favorite way to enjoy my time when sitting idle amidst the work. And, it could be the same with you as well if you …
Streaming movies & shows online are more than a mobile thing, and it is now capturing other devices like smart TV & Amazon Firestick. I have been the victim …
Instagram and Snapchat are the two leading social platforms of this generation. In this post, we’ll take a look at a battle between them. We’ll discuss Instagram VS. Snapchat …