Kahoot is a wonderful platform to get educated while having fun. In recent times, it has shown significant growth as more and more people are staying at home. But after some time, the platform may get boring for some users due to overuse. In this situation, you can resort to other games like Kahoot.
Fortunately, there are many good ones available. In this post, I will tell you about the 10 Best Kahoot Alternatives and similar apps that you can use to learn while having fun. You can use these when you don’t want to use Kahoot and don’t want to stop studying either.
10 Best Games like Kahoot
Kahoot! is an incredible platform used by teachers and students to kick away the boredom from education. It allows students to learn and have fun together and helps teachers to teach students more efficiently without them getting bored. It has a lot of fun exercises and quizzes that students can participate in. Along with this, students can also compete against each other to have increased fun.
However, there comes a time when using the same platform for a long time gets boring. When this happens, you’ll end up not wanting to use Kahoot. In this situation, games like Kahoot can help you to continue learning without wasting any time.
I have collected the 10 best Kahoot alternatives and similar apps that you can use when you are not willing to use Kahoot! All of these apps carry the same objective- to make learning pleasant and enjoyable.
1. Seesaw
Seesaw is an amazing platform for teachers to interact with the students digitally and collect assignments. It automatically sorts the assignments into classes and sections. However, it isn’t limited to that only. It features different buttons and each button carries a specific function like inserting pictures, capturing videos, and joining a class.
If you are a teacher and you are tired of collecting assignments from your students one by one, this is the perfect solution for you. It will ease out the process for you, and your students will have fun while completing interactive assignments.
2. Quizlet
Quizlet is often acclaimed as the perfect “Kahoot replacement” for students and teachers. It has a very similar user interface, and also offers a similar type of questions. You can find polls, quizzes, and various other activities to spark interest among students. It has a very unique approach to learning.
You can create your own quiz, add interactive sessions after every question, add pictorial quizzes, introduce videos, and do many other things. Teachers can also ask questions to students, and provide answer cards and notes.
3. Poll Everywhere
Polls Everywhere is a unique learning app that allows you to ask questions to students but with polls. Students will not reply with direct answers, but they will voice out their opinions. You don’t need to collect answer sheets from the students one by one. This creates a fun and interactive learning environment.
Teachers can also increase the difficulty level of the game by adding more options in the poll or adding multiple answers. The user interface of the app also promotes collective learning.
4. Acadly
Acadly is another free Kahoot alternative that helps you to make learning fun and interactive. It offers great tools for the management of the class including quizzes, question-answers, polls, attendance, and other analytics. It is an amazing tool for a collective learning experience.
This unique app comes with different techniques of education that help both the teachers and students. It even comes with a built-in chat feature.
5. Quizizz
Quizizz is a very appealing learning website for teachers and students. It allows teachers to use live video conferencing to interact with their students digitally. They can use quizzes and polls to test the knowledge of their students, while the students can answer them in real-time.
The user interface of this platform is known as the simplest yet very effective to promote an interactive learning environment. It is used by over 20 million students globally.
6. Book Widgets
Book Widgets is the next app like Kahoot that allows you to create interesting activities for students using a library of information. You can create polls, quizzes, and many different formats of questions to begin the learning session. Students can answer the questions in real-time, and can also complete their homework with this app.
It helps teachers to diversify their teaching methods while also developing a fun and interactive learning atmosphere.
7. Explain Everything
Explain Everything is the next app to make collective learning easy and entertaining. If you want to teach a chapter to a lot of students together, this is the perfect app to achieve that feat. You can create interesting presentations within a few minutes. You can also add images, videos, and even audios to make the learning sessions fun.
One highlight of this app is that it understands gestures. So, if you want to explain things using gestures, it will record them for you, and you will not have to repeat the same ones ever again.
8. ClassTime
ClassTime is the next fun learning app that we believe could be a good replacement for Kahoot. This learning enhancement tool gives teachers the time and freedom to help students learn in an interactive atmosphere. It has an easy-to-understand user interface that is designed pretty well.
You can create worksheets, quizzes, and polls to begin the learning sessions, and get real-time answers during the session. Students can join in with their mobile or computer easily.
9. AhaSlides
Ahaslides is the next Kahoot alternative for teachers and students that aims to make education fun, instead of boring. It allows you to create quizzes to collect information from the students collectively in real-time. Teachers can think of a complete quiz on a specific topic to help the students learn it thoroughly.
Along with this, it also lets you provide presentations to students just like Microsoft PowerPoint. There are virtual slides with text and questions, and students can answer them any time they like.
10. Gimkit
Gimkit is a learning app that is originally coded by a high school student. It is a distance learning service that allows students from around the world to learn and have fun together. It helps the teacher to create quizzes and polls to teach a chapter to the students while the students can answer the questions in real-time.
Students will earn in-game money for answering the questions correctly, and they will lose it when their answers are wrong. The earned money can be used to buy power-ups and level-ups from the virtual shop. It uses gamification to promote education among students.
If you are looking for the most similar games like Kahoot, this will be a very suitable choice for you.
Final Take
Kahoot! is amazing but so are these 10 other learning games like Kahoot. These Kahoot alternatives or replacements can help teachers and students engage in fun learning sessions that make education very interesting. These types of lessons are great for the students in long term, and actually, help them in real life.
As a teacher, your goal should be to make students real problem solvers. These apps will help you to do that. That’s it for this post. I hope you find it interesting.