How to use Tournament Champion’s Plate in Lost Ark

Use Tournament Champion’s Plate in Lost Ark: There is a lot of stuff during your trip through Lost Ark; most of that is pretty obvious to know how to use them.

One of the things that are not clear is The Tournament Champion’s Plate you receive after winning the tournament at Changhun in Anikka.

There’s currently no reason to use this Tournament Champion’s Plate in Lost Ark because the NPC, which allows you to trade the item, isn’t available in the version for Europe and North America that the game is available. 

Keep your Tournament Champion’s Plate in your storage if the NPC is added. Do not try to sell it.

How to use Tournament Champion’s Plate in Lost Ark

It’s usually possible to figure out what the item you receive within Lost Ark is used for; however, that’s not always the case.

Sometimes, you’ll find something that doesn’t tell you what it’s use for in the description and isn’t simple to discover on the internet.

One of the things which don’t offer many details includes the Tournament Champion’s Cup that only gives the following description “A Victory Crest awarded to the winner in the competition. It looks quite valuable’.

The item is gain by finishing the competition in Changhun that you’ll go through during the main questline of Anikka.

It is recommend to keep the Tournament Champion’s Plate because there’s currently no reason to keep it.

In the Korean Version of the game, an NPC allows you to trade the Champion’s Tournament Plate to purchase different weapons; however, this NPC isn’t present in the European version of Lost Ark.

We highly recommend you not to sell it and instead hold onto it for the time being because developers could add an NPC into the game later or make it available for another use.

If you don’t want to be a part of your storage space, you can keep it in storage available in every major city.

That’s what you should do with the Tournament Champion’s Plate in Lost Ark!

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