Top 10 Apps to Catch a Cheater [Free Spying Apps]

We are living in an era where loyalty has become rare. More and more people are cheating on their partners and their mobile helps them with that. If you are suspecting your spouse or boyfriend of breaking your trust, you should take a look at some apps to catch a cheater. Such apps allow you to catch the culprit red-handed.

Here, I will tell you about the Top 10 Apps to Catch a Cheater. These spying apps will allow you to keep a secret look at your partner’s smartphone, so you can clear your suspicion easily.

Best Mobile Apps to Catch a Cheater Easily

Is your partnering acting really strange these days? Are you suspecting that something is wrong with him or her? If yes, then you can try using the apps to catch a cheater to spy on them. Spying will help you to know what they are up to and what is the reason behind their strange behavior. It is never good to stay with a treacherous partner.

Apps to catch a cheater

So, if you are suspecting that they are cheating on you, then it might be the right time to catch them and then move on. This may sound easy but it is pretty hard for anyone. The spying apps can only make the catching part simple. The rest is up to you. Only proceed with them when you are ready mentally and emotionally.

1. mSpy

mSpy is the most popular and one of the best cellphone tracking apps in the world. This app allows you to keep track of your partner’s smartphone easily. It is available for both Android as well as iOS users. To use it, you will only need the iCloud or Google account credentials of your partner, and then you can track his smartphone completely.

You will be able to track their location, phone calls, SMS, and many other things. You can install the app privately by logging in to the control panel of your device. Having a good internet connection on both devices is essential for this app.

2. Spyic

Spyic is another smartphone tracking and monitoring app available for both Android and iOS devices. This app comes with a long list of features that help you to spy on any smartphone. You can track your partner’s location in real-time, record their calls, and even read their messages. If you are using the premium version, you can also get access to their social media apps.

Along with this, this tool comes with many advanced features such as Keylogger, Stealth-mode, and a web-based interface. The UI is a highlight of this app due to its clean appearance.

3. Spyier

Spyier is another well-known cellphone spying application available for both Android and iOS devices. It can help you to get the data out of your partner’s smartphone. You can track their location, calls, SMS, and even social media apps. The user interface of this app is also swift and simple to use.

It comes with more than 35 spying features. A notable feature of this app is that it allows you to even recover the browser history of your partner’s device. This feature is often absent in many bigger apps.

4. Highster Mobile

Highster Mobile is a popular and one of the best performing cross-platform spying apps. This app is available for Android, iOS, Windows, and Mac devices. It comes with a lifetime license that is available for a nominal cost. After buying the full version, you can record your partner’s calls, read messages, and track their real-time location.

Along with this, it also supports recovering deleted messages, and tracking social media apps. If you are trying to catch a cheater, this the right application for you.

5. Spyzie

Spyzie is another spying app that is widely known for its performance. This great app allows you to monitor any Android or iOS device. You can track the complete activity of that smartphone, including its location, calls, and messages. You can even block its apps, restrict mobile data usage, and perform other advanced tasks.

A lot of parents are using this app to keep an eye on their children. If you want to use it to catch your partner cheating on you, then you should definitely download it.

6. MinSpy

MinSpy is an amazing spying app that is very simple to use. It is available for both Android and iOS devices and works with a web-based interface. This means that you can track your partner’s activity on their smartphone directly from your browser. It comes with all the essential spying features.

You can perform all the tasks in stealth-mode, so you won’t get caught. It also supports checking and recovering the deleted call logs of any device.

7. Fami360

Fami360 is one more popular mobile spying app. It is basically a family monitoring app widely used by parents to keep track of their kids. But, you can also use it to catch your partner cheating on you. It comes with all the essential features such as location tracking, call recording, SMS viewing, and more.

You can also track the browser activity and history of your partner’s smartphone. The user interface of this app is clean and simple. Anyone can easily understand it.

8. KidsGuard by ClevGuard

KidsGuard by ClevGuard is a great smartphone monitoring app that can help you to catch a cheater. It is another app widely preferred by parents to keep an eye on their children. However, you can use it catch your cheating spouse easily. It allows you to track the total activity of a smartphone, and also provides you access to WhatsApp.

The user interface of the app is self-explanatory. Anyone can easily understand it just at the first glance. You should definitely give it a try.

9. Spyine

Spyine is one more great smartphone monitoring and spying app available for Android as well as iOS users. This app lets you track your partner’s location in real time, read their messages, listen to their calls, and access their social media apps. All this is done remotely and privately.

The user interface of the app is simple and easily understandable. You will learn using it just by accessing the demo. Once you find it worthy, you can purchase the full version.

10. Couple Tracker

Couple Tracker is an amazing app for couples to keep in each other’s touch in real-time. It allows them to monitor and track their activities in real-time, track locations, share and exchange messages, and also record the phone calls. It is suitable to use this with the mutual decision of your partner.

However, if your partner doesn’t want to use it, then you can install this app secretly, activate it, and then hide its icon. Then, you will be able to catch them red-handed.

Final Verdict

Cheating has become common these days. If you are suspecting your partner of looking up to someone else, then you can use these apps to catch a cheater to know the truth. However, only use these when you are truly ready as you may encounter some really shocking results. Also, if your partner isn’t guilty and he gets to know that you don’t trust him, you may end up destroying your precious relationship.

That’s why only use the spying apps under critical circumstances. Trust and truth are the two most valuable things in any relationship. That’s all for this post. I hope you find it helpful.