Snapchat Emoji Meanings & How to Use Them?

Snapchat is no doubt considered to be one of the most fun apps of this generation. Snapchat isn’t just about posting photos and videos, it has way more to do than just that. And for the same reason, this generation is crazy about Snapchat and its fun features. Unlike other apps, we see a lot of emoji statuses on Snapchat, but sometimes they are so random that we do not understand their meanings and why do they appear at different places on Snapchat. So, now we will be discussing these Snapchat emoji meanings, and what do they mean in context, we will also be exploring the meanings of some Snapchat icons that keep appearing whenever we send or receive a snap.

Meaning Of Snapchat Emojis

Snapchat has given a different meaning to emojis. The emojis mostly used while chatting online or posting something on social media is actually helping people know their friendship status on Snapchat. But do you keep seeing such emojis on Snapchat in front of names of your friendship and you have no idea what they mean?

So to make it easier for you we have listed down the Snapchat emoji meanings along with the emojis below to make it clear about what they mean when it comes to Snapchat.

  • Glowing Star – Someone has replayed your snap within the past 24 hour
  • Yellow heart– You have the most snap interactions with this person
  • Baby – You are new friends with the person on Snapchat
  • Smirk – The other persons send you a lot of snaps, but you barely send them any snaps
  • Fire – You have snapped this person every day and received the same from their end.
  • Hundred Points– The Hundred Points appear
  • Hourglass– The snap streak you have created is about to end. You need to quickly send new to maintain it
  • Birthday Cake – It’s the person’s birthday today

1. Zodiac Emojis

Are you also amongst the people who are astrology-obsessed? Love talking about and knowing about zodiac signs of your friends and family? Well, Snapchat has this feature where when you enter your date of birth it automatically shows up the relevant zodiac sign for your date of birth and other people can see it too besides their name.

  •  Aries — March 21 – April 20
  • Taurus — April 21 – May 21
  • Gemini — May 22 – June 21
  • Cancer — June 22 – July 22
  • Leo — July 23 – August 22
  • Virgo — August 23 – September 23
  •  Libra — September 24 – October 23
  • Scorpius — October 24 – November 22
  •  Sagittarius — November 23 – December 21
  • Capricorn — December 22 – January 20
  • Aquarius — January 21 – February 19
  • Pisces — February 20 – March 2

Snapchat Icon Meanings

If you have newly started using Snapchat, it can be quite baffling to remember and identify every icon and its meanings. And as a result, it would get difficult for you to understand if the other person has read, screenshotted, or seen your Snapchat story. To make it easier for you, we have mentioned below the icons and their actual meanings so the next time you see such icons you will know their actual meanings.

1. Sent Icons

You will see such icons when you send someone a snap or message on Snapchat, but this icon has a different color for different kinds of snaps.

  • A snap sent without sound
  • A snap sent with sound 
  • A chat message sent

2. Opened Icons

You will see such icons when you open a snap or message by someone on Snapchat, but this icon has a different color for different kinds of snaps.

  • Your friend opened a snap without sound
  • Your friend opened a snap with sound
  • Your friend opened a chat message

3. Received Icons

You will see such icons when you receive a snap or message from someone on Snapchat, but this icon has a different color for different kinds of snaps.

  • You received a snap without sound
  • You received a snap with sound
  • You received a chat message

4. Viewed Icons

You will see such icons when you view a snap or message by someone on Snapchat, but this icon has a different color for different kinds of snaps.

  • Your friend has viewed your snap without sound
  • Your friend has viewed your snap with sound
  • Your friend has viewed your chat message

5. Screenshot Icons

You will see such icons when you screenshot a snap or message by someone on Snapchat, but this icon has a different color for different kinds of snaps.

  • Your friend took a screenshot of a snap without audio
  • Your friend took a screenshot of a snap with audio
  • Your friend took a screenshot of a message


So now you have become a Snapchat-frenzy, Snapchat offers the fun element onto the social media hub. Post or send snaps to people, create streaks! Ever wondered who replays, views, and screenshots your snap? Know whenever someone has viewed or took a screenshot of your snap by the icons explained in the article.

Snapchat has much more fun elements to it, such as Bitmoji avatars, Bitmoji Stories, Spotlights, Zodiac signs, Snapmaps. We hope you enjoyed learning the Snapchat emoji meanings. If you have any queries regarding this article, comment below and let us know.