What are low-profile and fortified perks in Apex Legends Mobile?

Low-profile and fortified perks in Apex Legends Mobile: Apex Legends Mobile characters are all different with unique abilities and appearance. Some of the characters are huge, while others are very skinny, which means that each of them has a different size hitbox.

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What are Low-profile and fortified perks in Apex Legends Mobile?

As such, to keep the game balanced, the developers introduced Fortified and low-profile perks.

About the low-profile and fortified Perks

Some Apex Legends Mobile characters are present in fortified low-profile HP settings and buffs to balance hitboxes. Low Profile and Fortified Perks are used for characters with a larger or smaller hitbox than usual.

Fortified gives players an edge, while Low Profile makes characters more vulnerable at the cost of a smaller hitbox.

Apex Legends Mobile Fortified Low Profit

This perk is for characters with a larger hitbox. Acts as an additional passive ability for all Legends with Fortified Traits. It’s a positive perk that allows characters with the fortified perk to take reduced damage and not slow down bullets.

This has been done to balance the game as naturally it will be easier to shoot characters with a larger hitbox.

Characters that have low-profile Perkin Apex Legends Mobile:

Apex Legends Mobile Low Profile Benefit

This advantage is for legends that have a small hitbox size. Because having a small hitbox size means that these Legends will have an unfair advantage over others as they are harder to hit.

As such, the developers created the Low Profile Perk, which acts as an additional passive ability for certain Legends and increases incoming damage to Legends with a smaller hitbox by 5%. Low profile benefit

It’s basically a negative perk that gives more damage to Legends with a small hitbox size to keep the game fair.

Characters that have low-profile Perkin Apex Legends Mobile:

So that’s it for the Fortified and Low-Profile Perks. Stay tuned with us for more Apex Legends Mobile guides, tips, and tricks.