WhatsApp banned 18.58 million Indian accounts: According to a monthly report released on Tuesday, WhatsApp blocked 18.58 million Indian accounts in January because of complaints from users and the company’s system for preventing and catching people who break the law.
WhatsApp got complaints about 495 Indian accounts. They asked to ban 285 of them, and 24 were banned.
According to tools and resources that the company used in its app, most of the 18.58 million accounts were banned because they did something terrible.
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WhatsApp’s India Monthly Report under the Information Technology (Intermediary Guidelines and Digital Media Ethics Code) Rules, 2022, says WhatsApp banned 18.58 million Indian accounts between January 1, 2022, and January 31, 2022.
Using the abuse detection method also includes actions taken in response to negative feedback from users who used our “Report” feature to report a problem.
The company knows which Indian accounts it has by adding the ISD code +91 before the 10-digit mobile number.