How to Get Pureblood Knight Medal in Elden Ring?

Get Pureblood Knight Medal in Elden Ring: White-faced When you go to Elden Ring, Varre is one of the most exciting and weird people. Players have been called maidens and his lambkin by this white-faced guy. 

He doesn’t stop! People who played against Varre may have done so because they thought he was the wrong person. 

Varre can give you the Pureblood Knight medal. It can be used to go to the Mohgwyn Palace right away. 

The Pureblood Knight Medal can be found in Elden Ring. This is our guide on how to get the medal.

How to Get Pureblood Knight Medal in Elden Ring? 

follow these steps:

  • You can get the Pureblood Knight medal from the White-faced Varre if you finish all his talks.
  • But before you can do that, you need to Varre’s questline and defeat Godrick, the Grafted.
  • You can meet him at the Rose Church in the Liurnia of the Lakes.
  • He will be right outside the entrance to the Rose Church when we get there.
  •  Varre is going to ask you. What do you think about Two Fingers when you talk to him. choose “they didn’t seem right.” He will agree with you
  • Talk to him again until you finish all his conversations and he gives you 5 Festering Bloody Fingers.
  • then use Festering Bloody fingers to get into at least three other worlds
  • You’re going back to the Church to talk to him now. He’ll give you a task: find maiden blood when you do. You can check out our guide to finding Maiden blood to see where to find it.
  • As soon as possible, go back and have another conversation with him; he will ask you to give up your finger in exchange for a bloody finger (multiplayer item).
  • As soon as you talk to him again, he will give you a Pureblood Knight Medal. If not, keep talking to Varre until you get one from him. Keep going until you do.

When to use Pure Blood Knight Medal? 

  • This medal can be used to get an audience or send you to the Mohgwyn Dynasty.
  • While Varre says not to use it, it’s a ruse.
  • You can get the medal from your inventory and put it on your body.
  • When you use it, you will be able to teleport right to the Mohgwyn Palace.
  • You can go around the area and try to fight the White-faced Varre to win.
  • Even if you kill Varre here, you can’t bring him back to life with the Church of Vows.
  • To reach the Mohgwyn Dynasty and defeat the Lord of Blood, you can also use the medal.

That’s all you need to know about getting the Pureblood Knight Medal in Elden Ring. Please check out our other guides if you like this one.