How to Fix Elden Ring Failed to Load Save Data

Fix Elden Ring Failed to Load Save Data: Elden Ring players face problems wherein the savefiles they have recently played don’t start. Although there’s no fix officially announced by the developers, the community has come up with solutions. Let’s now examine the solution to Elden Ring Failure to load Save Data on Xbox and PC.

How to Fix Elden Ring Failed to Load Save Data (Xbox & PC)

For Elden Ring to fix Failed to load Save Data To fix this issue, you must shut down the game on Xbox, remove it from the Quick Resume’ menu, and launch the game over again. You can also close your Xbox in the settings to resolve this problem. 

If you’re using Xbox one, you aren’t required to worry about your Quick Resume part; just closing the game and re-starting the game from a new beginning will fix the issue.

Here’s how you can do this with Xbox Series X & S players. This will prevent the error from happening next time you launch the game:

  1. You can save Elden Ring and Quit from the Main Menu
  2. Select the “Xbox button” on the controller. “Xbox button” on the controller.
  3. Select “Home”
  4. Once you have the game’s title selected, click”Menu” or “Menu button” (controller)
  5. Then, from the menu that appears then, click “Quit.”
  6. It is also possible to go to “My games & apps” in the Xbox guide
  7. Then, click on “Quick Resume.”
  8. Make sure you highlight the game you want to block
  9. Then click the “Menu” or “Menu button” on the controller.
  10. Click “Remove from Quick Resume”
  11. It is now Elden Ring is removed from Quick Resume

There’s a lower chance of encountering this error the next time you start the game. For Xbox One players, as we have mentioned earlier, you can shut down the game and start over.

Elden Ring Save-Data Solution for PC

PC users usually encounter this error when they try to access the save files of friends or on the internet. There are also instances of users on Reddit and Twitter in which ordinary users too have this issue with their save files. To deal with both of these situations, take a look at this video made by Cravotato, who explains how to fix this issue step by step. The video includes:

  • How do you back up your save file’s data
    • This is helpful if your existing files are corrupted.
  • How do I make use of save files provided by other players
    • This can be beneficial for gamers who have bought the game but lack time to play it themselves.

This is how you can solve the issue Elden Ring Failed to Load Save Data in Xbox and PC.