How To Capture Wanted Monsters in Rune Factory 5?

Wanted Monsters in Rune Factory 5: Rune Factory 5 is the most recent release of farm simulations and role-playing games from Marvellous. It’s a sequel to Rune factory 4, which was released in 2012. 

As with the previous games, RF 5 has added new monsters that you can farm and tame within the game. The game’s developers have added an exciting new feature called sought-after monsters. 

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They have the potential to earn a fortune, and it’s up to you to find them. However, you must identify and follow them to catch them. Here’s our advice about how to catch monsters you want in Rune Factory 5.

How to Capture Wanted Monsters ?

  • Visit Livia situated near the Rigbarth’s Outpost.
  • When you interact with her, click after speaking to her and select ” I wanted to check the wanted monsters list“.
  • You will then have to choose that beast and follow it.
  • They can be identified by a bright red circle on their heads.
  • They have a maximum of 5.
  • If you find them take action to fight them and drain your health barrel.
  • You can use the seal spell when their health declines to almost nothing. This spell can be obtained by contacting Livia.
    • The spell will not work on the wanted monsters if they have health bars that are filled.
    • It is necessary to apply the seal spell to use spell when the health bar of your client has dropped to.

All Wanted Monsters in RF 5

  • There can be up to 18 monsters are find. A majority of these monsters can be found within the Phoros Woodlands. They are contract-based quests that are given through Livia. Below are the most desired monsters and the benefits from Rune Factory 5:
  • Slime (Level 1)
    • Reward: 1 piece of bread from a weapon.
  • Fairy (Level 1)
    • Reward 1 Bread from the farm.
  • Goblin Archer (Level 1)
    • Reward Rewards: x1 Baking bread.
  • Big Muck (Level 2)
    • Reward Rewards: x1 Baking bread.
  • Chipsqueek (Level 2)
    • Reward: x1 bread from Chemistry.
  • Ignis (Level 2)
    • Reward: x1 bread making.
  • Garmr (Level 3)
    • Reward: x2 bread for the weapon.
  • Emperor Penguin (Level 3)
    • Reward Rewards: x2 Cooking bread.
  • Silver Wolf (Level 3)
    • Reward: x2 Bread-making.
  • Mamadoodle (Level 4)
    • Reward: x1 Protein.
  • Blood Panther (Level 4)
    • Reward: x1 Heart drinker.
  • Malm Tiger (Level 4)
    • Reward: x1 Intelligencer.
  • Hell Ghost (Level 5)
    • Reward: x1 Gust.
  • Guardian (Level 5)
    • Reward: x1 Millionstrike.
  • Elementalist (Level 5)
    • Reward: Straight punch x1.
  • Little Dragon (Level 5)
    • Reward: Penguin down.
  • Ice Griffin (Level 5)
    • Reward: x1 Rigid horn.
  • Mermaid (Level 5)
    • Reward: 1 Blue core.

This is How To Capture Wanted Monsters in Rune Factory 5. If you like this article, look at our other guides.