On Thursday, the consumer tech company based in London Nothing, announced the launch of the Nothing Launcher (Beta) operating system for the Google Play Store. Android users can now preview Nothing OS graphics and animations, unifying them through its distinct design style.
Last month, the co-founder and CEO Carl Pei confirmed plans to launch the Nothing phone (1) Its first smartphone and revealed the first glimpse of Nothing OS.
Nothing OS offers a new experience for Android.
“Hold and press to enlarge app folders or individual apps, so the things you use the most are more visible. Launch any app directly from your folders. Your most used apps will appear first in the folder,” stated the company.
Through Bespoke Clock and the Weather widget, they use the identical dot matrix font used for the Nothing logo.
The home screens use the wallpapers Nothing and the associated color palette.
It is currently compatible with Nothing Launcher (Beta) and is now compatible with Samsung S21 and S22, Google Pixel 5 and 6 and is expected to be available for OnePlus.
In March, the company announced plans to unveil its first smartphone – — a “Nothing phone” (1) (Nothing phone 1) which Qualcomm’s Snapdragon mobile operating system will power.
The Nothing smartphone (1) could be the first smartphone from the brand and a device that is part of the product line-up that is part of the company’s brand.
Later this year, the company said it is looking to launch the phone with Nothing OS.