Android 13 includes background effects and more.

Android 13 includes background effects: Google published Android 13 Developer Preview 2 last week. Many people are now talking about the new features that have been added to the beta form of the software.

Wallpaper effects, more media controls, and a foreground manager are some of the new things.

Media controls that have been redesigned are still in the same place as fast settings and notifications, even though there is more widget space. Now that there is more space, the title and description of the track can be added.

The media output picker has also changed to match the look of Android 13. As a bonus, Google has added a feature that lets users connect new devices right from the menu.

READ MORE: Android 13 will alert users to apps that use too much background battery

New wallpaper effects have also been added to Android 13. In the beta build, they’re called Cinematic Wallpaper. Users can use this tool to make their wallpaper look different.

Users will be able to darken their wallpaper while using the device, but it doesn’t yet know what else will be possible. Samsung and Xiaomi are two companies that make phones that have similar features right now.

People who use Foreground Services can find the task manager at the bottom of the Quick Settings and Notifications pane. Some apps are running in the background now.

It will show them. Check which apps are running and stop them right from the panel. Users will then see which apps are running and stop them right from the panel. When programs run for more than 20 hours, it will tell users and ask if they want to stop them.

Instead of swiping apps from the recent apps menu, you can use the Foreground Services task manager to close an app. This is similar to “force closing” apps when you close an app.

Users will also be able to share material with other devices with just one tap in Android 13.