Fortnite Ascender: Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 2 has made many changes to the map. Ascenders are one of these changes, and they’re a new type of mechanism.
This guide is for one of the Seasonal Quests, and it tells you how to use an Ascender at Chonker’s Speedway or Command Cavern to earn XP.
What Are Fortnite Ascenders?
Ascenders look like vertical zip lines that players can use to move quickly up them. These are often found near the bottom of Airships that are hovering in the air and high places like tall cliffs and mountains that are hard to get to.
Use an Ascender in Fortnite
Walk over to it and press X on Xbox, Square on PlayStation, Y on Switch or E on PC to start it.
It will make your character move up the Ascender to its top, so your character will be at the top.
Press A/ X/ B/ Space to let go of an Ascender at any time.
Where to Find Ascenders at Chonker’s Speedway & Command Cavern
There is an Ascender at Chonker’s Speedway in the northwest corner of the track. It’s on the north side of the cliff.
The Ascender at Command Cavern is easier to find than the one in the cave. You can land on the IO Airship in the north of this place and look for one of the vertical ziplines that hang down from it. Our map shows where one of these is, too, to see where it is.