How to Build a Successful Cloud Migration Strategy

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Numerous challenges are associated with moving data to the cloud, including budget increases, risks of data loss, and downtime during the move.

Since each business has different needs, there is no such thing as a standard data migration plan. As a result, it’s crucial to take the time to evaluate your data migration needs and goals. This article will help you create a unique and comprehensive data migration plan to help you accomplish your objectives.

1. Clean Up the Redundant Data Before Migration

Though moving to the cloud is complicated, you can make it easier and more affordable with careful planning. Make a list of all the data you need to move from one cloud to another.

For example, you are migrating from Box to Google Drive. So, before you do it, ensure that you remove the redundant data because they increase risk and cost and slow down the migration process.

2. Select the Right Cloud Migration Service Provider

Your cloud migration project will be successful if you choose the best cloud migration, service provider. It is challenging for IT admins and business owners to find the best cloud migration tool due to the abundance of cloud providers available.

For example, if you want to migrate between two cloud collaboration tools, let us say from Slack to Teams. Not all cloud migration tools support this. Also, choosing a migration service for your Slack to Teams migration project depends on several factors, including the number of users, the number of channels you need to migrate, migration timeline, security requirements, etc.

3. Plan the Migration in Stages

You may lose sensitive corporate data if the cloud migration process is done incorrectly. You must separate and carry out the migration in stages to guarantee a smooth migration and prevent losing important data.

However, you must first choose which user’s data you wish to migrate before you can batch-transfer files from one cloud to another.

4. Continuously Monitor the Migration

It is challenging to move huge volumes of data between two different clouds. Moving terabytes and petabytes of data can create unforeseen obstacles that can delay your migration process, even with the best tools. So, it is crucial to frequently monitor the migration to spot and fix problems before they get out of hand.

5. Ensure Secured Data Migration

Transferring data to the cloud may introduce additional security risks. If you have decided to make the switch, ensure that the migration service you select implements security measures. Also, ensure that the data migration tool you choose won’t have access to or save any of your data or user credentials.