Best Skins for Newcastle in Apex Legends: In the new season 13 of Apex Legends, Newcastle has been added. One of the most important things about new legends is that they come with unique skins. We’re here to show you the best Apex Legends skins for Newcastle.
Newcastle Best Apex Legends Skins
Since Newcastle is a new Legend, there aren’t too many skins for him. We’re not going to show most of the Epic and down skins because they all look the same. We’re only looking at the skins that are unique to Newcastle.
Firewall Epic Newcastle Skin
If you buy the premium battle pass, you can get this skin. You will have to unlock Newcastle on its own, though.
Heroic Command Legendary Newcastle Skin
This skin is part of the Newcastle Launch Bundle, which can buy 3,000 APEX coins in the game’s store.
Complex Rebirth Legendary Newcastle Skin
For 1,200 crafting materials, you can make the Complex Rebirth skin.
Green Mosaic Legendary Newcastle Skin
For 1,200 crafting materials, you can make the Green Mosaic skin yourself.
Starbound Savior Legendary Newcastle Skin
You can buy the Starbound Savior skin for 1,200 craft materials.
Valiant Defender Legendary Newcastle Skin
The last legendary Newcastle skin you can make with 1,200 materials is the Valiant Defender.