When do border collie dogs grow fully 

long-coated white and black dog closeup photo


Border collies are large dogs with a height at the withers of up to 25 inches. A border collie is fully grown by two and a half years old. You can measure the growth rate of your young border collie using a growth chart. You can also see how tall your border collie will become by visiting how big his parents and grandparents are.

Border collies are large dogs with a height at the withers of up to 25 inches.

The Border Collie is a large dog with a height at the withers of up to 25 inches (64 cm). To measure your dog’s height at the withers, you need to use a soft measuring tape and take this measurement from the base of its neck, where it meets its shoulders, and down through its back to the point where its legs meet its body.

A border collie is fully grown by two and a half years old.

The size of your dog is determined by genetics, breed size, and diet. When it comes to full-grown size, this can vary based on how much food the dog eats. A border collie who is not given enough food will be smaller than a border collie with access to extra calories. Border collies can be trained to stay at a smaller adult size if you want them to fit into small spaces or live in an apartment with limited space. Training your border collie will also help ensure they are less likely to become overweight later in life which could lead to health problems like diabetes or heart disease later on down the road.

This will make them more likely for injury during playtime, such as jumping too high off furniture or running full speed towards someone who is walking behind them because they don’t know how fast they’re moving themselves yet without realizing there’s another person near them when playing outside together on an empty sidewalk street where there aren’t any cars around which usually causes accidents when these types happen especially if there are other children nearby watching what happens next with curiosity because they want their pets someday soon too once their parents give permission first before taking care of anything else related topics including finances.

You can measure the growth rate of your young border collie using a growth chart.

A growth chart shows how tall your border collie will become. You can measure the growth rate of your young border collie using a growth chart.

A growth chart is widely used to track children’s height and weight during their first few years. It is also used in other situations where you want to know the progress made by some individual over time. For example, many people use it when they train puppies so that they know how big the puppy will be when it grows up and what kind of training methods should be applied during each stage of its development.

Using these charts is very simple: all you have to do is measure the length (or height) of your pet once every month or two and plot each measurement on a graph provided by the manufacturer, along with other similar measurements from other people who have already purchased this product from Amazon or Walmart stores etc.

You can also see how tall your border collie will become by seeing how big his parents and grandparents are.

You can also see how tall your border collie will become by seeing how big his parents and grandparents are. You can either measure them or ask someone who knows the dog well to take a picture of them standing next to a measuring tape. Some people even take their dogs to the vet for a check-up because they may be able to find out the height of their parents. If you have other dogs that are related to your puppy, then you can ask how tall they were when they were fully grown up so that you know more about what size they will become in later years.

Unfortunately, if you have a mixed breed dog, then figuring out its adult size is going to be very difficult because there isn’t any way for us know exactly how big each breed makes up our dog’s genetics – but if there are certain traits that come from one side or another (such as pointing), then it would help us figure out which parent’s genes might contribute towards making our puppy bigger than average.”

The size of your adult dog is determined by genetics, breed size, and diet.

The size of your adult dog is determined by genetics, breed size, and diet.


Border collie dogs come in a variety of sizes and colors. The smallest Border Collie is the Miniature Border Collie which grows to be only 9-12 inches tall at shoulder height with a weight range between 10 – 15 pounds. They usually have a shorter coat than other breeds but can still be found in some colors, such as black/white or red with white patches.

The medium-sized Border Collies are called Standard or Utility Border Collies, which grow to be about 13 – 16 inches tall at shoulder height with a weight range between 20 – 40 pounds. These dogs often have either blue or brown eyes, depending on whether they have been crossed with another type of dog before being bred by humans for farming purposes (a process known as crossbreeding). It should also be noted that these dogs require more exercise than smaller versions due to their increased energy levels!

The largest type, called Rough-Coated Shepherds, is known for their long hair coat, unlike standard types, who will shed less fur when living indoors rather than outdoors due to constant exposure from wind currents around fields where cows graze freely daily (they don’t wear coats!). They also tend not to grow quite as fast as other breeds do


The size of your adult dog is determined by genetics, breed size, and diet. The average adult height for a border collie is between 20-24 inches tall at the withers, with females slightly smaller than males. You can measure the growth rate of your young border collie using a growth chart or see how tall his parents and grandparents are to get an idea of how big he will be when fully grown.