A few weeks ago, WhatsApp announced that emoji reactions would come to the platform, allowing users to quickly share their responses. Even though this feature hasn’t been released yet, WhatsApp is said to be working on it.
It would let users send an emoji to a friend when they see a status update on the messaging service. People who use Meta-owned apps, like Instagram and Messenger, already have this feature.
They say that only eight emoticons can be used to show how someone feels. However, WhatsApp has not officially said that the Quick Reactions feature is coming.
WABetaInfo, a site that tracks new features for WhatsApp, says that the Meta-owned messaging service is working on a new feature called “Quick Reactions.” This will let users express their feelings about a status update without having to send an individual emoji as an individual message, which will save time.
You’re going to be able to respond to messages with eight emojis, which are supposed to be smiley faces with heart eyes and tears of joy, a face with an open mouth, a person with folded hands, and so on. Nobody knows if people will be able to change or customize emojis for Quick Reactions, so this is all we know right now. It also said that “this feature is in the works” and will come out in a future update.
This isn’t the first time Quick Reactions have been available on Instagram and Messenger, two of WhatsApp’s main rivals. Users can use the feature to show how they feel about specific content shown on Facebook and Instagram stories. Once you choose your reaction, an animation with that reaction will show up on the screen. The user will get a message that says that you responded to the story.
WhatsApp has been adding new features and updating its software to make it easier to send messages. The company recently told us that emoji reactions would be coming to the chat app soon. Separately, group admins will be able to remove wrong messages from everyone’s chats. It also increases the file-sharing limit to 2GB and already has a one-tap voice calling for up to 32 people, so this isn’t all.