How Foot Health Impacts Overall Wellness

person's feet

Your feet are the root of your whole body, supporting you for ill or good. As such, understanding and investing in your feet and improving your foot health will positively affect your overall health.

There are many aspects of foot health that can alert you to other underlying issues in your health. When you know what warning signs to look for and take preventative measures to better your overall health, you will have more positive outcomes.

Foot Symptoms and Your Health

Knowing what signs and symptoms to look for when you are having foot problems can help prevent your condition from becoming worse. There are four symptoms that are good key indicators of a more serious condition and may require more investigation/the expertise of a healthcare provider.

  1. Cold feet can be a sign of a thyroid condition. This is due to the thyroids’ impact on circulation. In fact, your skin can get one-fourth of the normal amount of blood supply due to inadequate blood supply.
  2. Swollen feet can be related to hypertension or diabetes. Hypertension is high blood pressure. Swollen feet can also be related to medications, pregnancy, salty food, or being overweight. When your feet are swollen, it indicates an underlying condition that should be addressed with your doctor.
  3. Foot cramps, like muscle cramps in general, can be a sign that you are dehydrated.
  4. Tingling feet can be a sign of unhealthy or pinched nerves.

Your Feet and Their Impact on the Rest of Your Body

Your feet work in tandem with the rest of your body. If a muscle begins to bother you in your foot and it’s not properly treated, that discomfort will spread as your body tries to adapt to the issue.

Your body must learn to adapt because problems in your feet change your walking gait. This change in gait can impact your knees in a negative way, subsequently impacting your hips, back, and neck. The pain can travel as the body attempts to adjust to the pain and new imbalances in your body.

By being in tune with your body, you will be more aware of your ailments. If you neglect to care for your body properly and promptly, problems can snowball. While a problem may have originated in the foot, if your knee is hurting and that’s what you are treating, you will not find a permanent resolution. Your knee problems will continue to persist if you do not first address the underlying issue— your foot!

How the Wrong Shoes Impact You

Problems in your feet can often begin with improper shoes. It is best to choose shoes that allow your foot to be in its most natural position, allowing your foot to move and flex with ease.

Shoes that can hinder this position or movement include heeled shoes as well as pointed-toe shoes. The longer and more often you wear these shoes, the worse your results will be. The misalignment in your foot can lead to further misalignment in your body.

There are many components to consider when choosing high-quality footwear. Among the most important are a heel cushion, adequate space to wiggle your toes in the toe box, and a shoe that is firm in the midsole section to provide proper support. For men, this means they should look for a rounded, wide-toed shoe that is comfortable. A well-made leather boot can be the perfect balance when seeking the proper fit, cushion, and support.


Never underestimate the importance of wearing proper shoes and taking care of your feet. Much of your body’s misalignment issues can start with your feet, what you put on them, and how you walk. When you are aware of concerning signs and symptoms, you can take swift action to prevent further problems.