One may wonder how a virtual currency can affect the medical sector. Well, as it is easy to see from the title of this article, you will know about bitcoin and what it has brought to Hungary in terms of medicine and healthcare. Check bitql for more info about bitcoin trading.
The population that covers this medical sector is more than 10 million people, who have to pay for health insurance every month to be entitled to public health care services.
8 ways bitcoin can benefit the medical sector of Hungary
Several reasons show how significant is the contribution of bitcoin for this sector. Here are ways bitcoin can positively impact the medical sector of Hungary:
- Bitcoins can be used to buy qualified medical services in Budapest, Hungary. Many health care companies have started accepting bitcoins as a payment method, and some people living in Hungary may find it easier to find a supplier of medical services by using bitcoins.
- Bitcoins can be used as investments for companies that offer insurance, saving, and other financial products. They will attract more customers if they open the payment method in bitcoin because people who have money will prefer this currency over others due to its high value.
- Health care suppliers can use Bitcoins to accept payments from abroad patients.
- Patients may get better health care services if they pay their medical supplier in bitcoins because they will spend less money from their pocket.
- Bitcoin Payment Method may increase the number of visitors for medical suppliers in Hungary.
- People who live outside of Hungary can send bitcoins to patients they know living in Hungary. This is a practical benefit because many people are interested in saving money using this method.
- Bitcoin mining has become more profitable than most businesses nowadays, mainly because it doesn’t need high investments or maintenance costs. Moreover, those who invest their money in this business can pay their medical supplier with the new coins they produce from mining.
- Medical suppliers can use Bitcoin to get rid of their debts. Many people in Hungary owe money to their suppliers, and they cannot pay them back. If medical suppliers accept bitcoins, they may make a good decision because after the patients use bitcoin for payments, they will get new coins or some cash.
8 ways bitcoin can negatively affect the Hungarian medical industry
- People who have some medical issues cannot travel outside of Hungary because their health care services will be very costly in other countries due to the lack of agreements between providers of medical services abroad and at home.
- The high volatility of bitcoin negatively affects Hungarian society, especially the people whose primary income is from this currency. In that case, they may not get an equal amount of money for what they spent months ago.
- Although the value of bitcoin has increased, the number of transactions by this currency isn’t high, and it is still not widely used in Hungary.
- Government support: the absence of government support makes it more challenging to convince people that bitcoins are trustworthy and wouldn’t lose their investment.
- Bitcoin value is not stable, depending on the demand. Thus, if there were no new investors, this currency would get less significant in Hungary.
- The Hungarian market accepts several other cryptocurrencies. This means that people may use other currencies instead of bitcoins, which harms its rate.
- People who want to invest in bitcoin mining need high-tech equipment, and because they have to be updated constantly if they don’t want their investment to be lost, they have to spend more money.
- High risk of being hacked: every time an individual wants to invest in bitcoin, he has to carefully choose the website where he will do it because many hacking webs steal people’s money.
Bitcoin has both positive and negative effects on the Hungarian medical industry. So naturally, the positive side has more weight than the negative one, but this currency is still not widely used in Hungary compared to other countries.
This means that there is still a potential for growth if companies use it as one of their main payment methods. However, one of the main disadvantages of bitcoin is its high volatility rate which means that this currency cannot be used in specific cases because its price changes fast.