WhatsApp has always said that your message is always end-to-end encryption (end-to-end encryption).
It means that you are limited to two people who send the message and the one who receives it.
WhatsApp or Facebook do not read this message. But this time, the American investigative media, Propablika, exposéd their opinion on that matter.
WhatsApp claims that is not true at all. About 1,000 employees of the Facebook-owned company regularly monitor users! Although Facebook has spoiled this claim.
Please note that in 2016 WhatsApp launched the end-to-end encryption feature. Users’ information on WhatsApp is reported to be completely secure.
No one but the sender and the customer reads that message. Even WhatsApp doesn’t read that message.
The company has repeatedly claimed that WhatsApp privacy has been compromised of late.
But Propablika’s claim is not valid. 200 million WhatsApp users send messages constantly.
More than 1,000 workers conducted investigations based on user messages in Austin, Texas, Dublin, and Singapore.
The US agency further claims that the employees used special Facebook software for this purpose. With the help of which they can read anyone’s personal WhatsApp messages.
The demand for end-to-end encryption is nothing more than a marketing strategy. Your photos and videos are also at your fingertips.
However, it has also been said that the popular messaging app does not allow access to all messages. Typically, those employees get access to the last five messages.
Naturally, controversy has arisen over such claims. Given this situation, the statement issued on behalf of Facebook has been denied.
While acknowledging data collection, Facebook states that the data it collects is limited. And it is done to prevent misuse of the Internet.