350+ Best Contact Names for Mom, Dad, Bf, Gf & Friends

It is a trend to save the contact names of your loved ones with different names. People love calling nicknames to their partners or friends, and many of us even use those nicknames as contact names.

This article lists 350+ Contact Names and ideas for your Boyfriend, Girlfriend, Wife, Husband, Mother, Father, Friend, or Crush. Our list contains every cool contact name that you could imagine. 

Let’s begin with the list now.

Contact Names for Mom

We all love our mom. A mother is no less than a blessing in our lives, so we should use a special name for her contact. Here are some of the Best Contact Names for your Mom.

  1. Momzilla
  2. Maa
  3. Ammi
  4. MuNu
  5. Amma
  6. MooMoo
  7. Life
  8. Paradise
  9. Heaven
  10. Queen
  11. Fairy
  12. Momey
  13. Mommu
  14. Mumu
  15. Maaaaa
  16. Heartbeat
  17. Wonder Woman
  18. Yo Mama
  19. SuperWoman
  20. Big Mama
  21. Best Maa
  22. Madre
  23. Mumma
  24. Ammu
  25. Mai
  26. Maiyya
  27. Love
  28. Blessing
  29. Bliss
  30. Mamamiyaa
  31. Dad’s Love

Funny Contact Names for Best Friend

Calling your best friend funny names feels amazing. You can get all the cute and funny contact names you need for your best friends and get the best out of those below.

  1. Little Samurai
  2. Cookie
  3. Satellite
  4. Buddy
  5. Charcoal
  6. Bae
  7. Nerd
  8. Coach
  9. Champ
  10. Care Bear
  11. Inspo
  12. Maybe
  13. Oldie
  14. Bid daddy
  15. Dash
  16. Ladies Man
  17. Super friend
  18. Friend of life
  19. Hoodie
  20. Benz
  21. FIFA
  22. Uncle
  23. Sherlock
  24. Dexter
  25. Troll
  26. Cutie pie
  27. Adopted bro.
  28. Bebo
  29. Turtle
  30. Fruity
  31. Foodie
  32. Phone
  33. Teacup
  34. Straw berry
  35. Dora
  36. Hercules
  37. Busy bee
  38. Back bencher
  39. Glasses
  40. Cute panda
  41. Poker face
  42. Penguin
  43. The nameless one
  44. Irritating
  45. Thunder cat
  46. Speedo
  47. Heroin
  48. Chief
  49. Ninja
  50. The owl
  51. Crybaby
  52. Popeye
  53. Simp
  54. Wimp
  55. Son
  56. Pikachu
  57. Dumbo
  58. Other Half
  59. Stepsibling
  60. Zero

Best Contact Names for Dad

Our Father is the most special pillar in our life. It might be hard to show our emotions right before him. However, you can use a unique name for him to show them. Here are some names you can use as your contact name for Dad.

  1. Big Ba
  2. Big Papa
  3. King
  4. Dad
  5. Abba
  6. Pops
  7. Papa
  8. Papita
  9. Old Man
  10. The Man
  11. King of the House
  12. A Call Not to Miss
  13. Papai
  14. Tatko
  15. Baa
  16. Abbu
  17. Abi
  18. Paps
  19. Daddy
  20. Dadda
  21. Idol
  22. King
  23. Support
  24. Mom’s Love
  25. Strongman
  26. Stength
  27. Daddu
  28. Baba
  29. Padre
  30. Dadzilla

Romantic & Cute Contact Numbers for Husband or Wife

Using romantic and cute contact names for your loved ones, especially your husband or wife, will make them happy. You can use these examples to let the other one melt in awe.

  1. Adorable
  2. Almond
  3. Amor Mio
  4. Angel baby
  5. Apple
  6. Apply of my eye
  7. Babeh
  8. Baby Daddy
  9. Baby Guy
  10. Bambi
  11. Beaver
  12. Betterhalf
  13. Big daddy
  14. Blossom
  15. Babylicious
  16. Bond
  17. Boo
  18. Boobear
  19. Babycakes
  20. Boober
  21. BooBoo
  22. Boss man
  23. Brave heart
  24. Brown sugar
  25. Bubba
  26. Buzz
  27. Captain
  28. Captain Cookie
  29. Champ
  30. Chester
  31. Chubby bunny!
  32. Crazy
  33. Cream
  34. Cuddly bear
  35. Cutie Pie
  36. Darling
  37. Dashing
  38. Dear
  39. Dearest one
  40. Deep
  41. Dexter
  42. Douche bag <3
  43. Everything
  44. Favorite
  45. Firefracker
  46. Foodie
  47. Genius
  48. Giggles
  49. Handsome
  50. Panda
  51. Panda bear
  52. Papi
  53. Peanuts
  54. Pickle head
  55. Potatoes
  56. Prince Charming
  57. Pumpkin
  58. Puppy
  59. Rocky
  60. Romeo
  61. Rum rum
  62. Satan
  63. Sherlock
  64. Smiley
  65. Snow bear
  66. Soulmate
  67. Sparkles
  68. Sparky star
  69. Suga
  70. Sugar Daddy
  71. Sunny
  72. Super Mario
  73. Super stud
  74. Superman
  75. Sweet prince
  76. Sweet thang
  77. Sweetheart
  78. Sweets
  79. Tarzan
  80. Teddy bear
  81. tellybear
  82. That guy ?
  83. The one
  84. Tiger Toes
  85. Tigerr
  86. Tough guy
  87. Treasure
  88. True love
  89. Twinkle
  90. Ultimate
  91. Valentine
  92. Waffle
  93. Winnie
  94. Wonder boy
  95. Wonder man
  96. Wonderboy
  97. Woody
  98. Wonderland
  99. Wafer
  100. Zebra

Contact Names For Your Bf or Gf

If you need some best contact names for your boyfriend or girlfriend, then the best place to get those is below.

  1. Boo or My Boo
  2. Shorty/Shawty
  3. Prince
  4. Babe
  5. Bubba
  6. Love
  7. World
  8. Heart
  9. Treasure
  10. Everything
  11. Hubby
  12. Hubster
  13. Fella or Big Fella
  14. Lover
  15. Lovebug
  16. Dear
  17. Darling
  18. Honey
  19. Sexy
  20. Sexpot
  21. Sugar Bunny
  22. Pumpkin
  23. Love Puppy
  24. Sweetcheeks
  25. Angel Eyes
  26. BabyFace
  27. Soulmate
  28. Daddy
  29. Champ
  30. Sweetheart
  31. Main Squeeze
  32. BAE
  33. Sugar Lips
  34. Handsome
  35. Hunk
  36. Love Muffin
  37. Pookie Bear
  38. Apple – often used similarly to “the apple of my eye”.
  39. Cariad – “sweetheart” in Welsh.
  40. Schnuckiputzi – a combination of two words which, independently, mean “sweet” and “good”.
  41. Mo Chuisle – “my pulse” in Irish and first used in the hit movie Million Dollar Baby.
  42. A Chuisle Mo Chroí – slightly longer version of “Mo Chuisle” and means, in Irish, “pulse of my heart”.
  43. Mo Chroí – “my heart” in Irish.
  44. Buah Hatiku – “fruit of my heart” in Indonesian.
  45. Mi Corazón – “my heart” in Spanish.
  46. Ojos de Ángel – “angel eyes” in Spanish.
  47. Amor Mio – “my love” in Spanish.
  48. Mi cielito – “my little heaven” or “my little sky” in Spanish.
  49. Mi Sol – “my sun” or “my sunshine” in Spanish.

Contact Names for your Secret Affairs

If you have a special someone who is the forbidden love of your life, you will need a secretive yet witty contact name for them. This will help both of you to stay safe 😉

  1. Fire Helpline
  2. Customer care
  3. Unknown no.
  4. Mystery caller
  5. DND
  6. Old friend
  7. Tuition teacher
  8. Pizza Delivery
  9. Plumber
  10. Handyman
  11. Parlor
  12. Salon
  13. Food delivery
  14. Candy seller
  15. Ambulance
  16. Pawnshop
  17. Tattoo parlor
  18. Spam call
  19. Missed call
  20. (Name of your Service Provider)

Using these contact names will save you from getting caught. However, we are in no way supporting you for any misdeeds.

Top Contact Names for Friends and Others

Here are some other contact names in the form of images. You can use them for your friends, siblings, cousin, or anyone else.

In conclusion, we can say that if you need contact names for any purpose, you can find the same from here and share them with your friends. If you have more name ideas for anyone, you can let us know, and we’ll add them to the list while giving due credits.

Final Take

Keeping a unique contact name for your loved ones signifies their worth in your life. These are the500+ excellent contact names you can use for this purpose. Another way is to give your mom, dad, friends, or lover a lovely pet name and use it for their contact. You can also use a customized picture for their contact.

Feel free to comment with your opinions about this. Maybe, drop some exciting suggestions as well. We’ll be glad to listen to you.